Last Podcast of Season 4

Last Podcast of Season 4

In this podcast, Lisa talks about the clothing challenges sponsored around the nation and the world by Fibershed affiliates. There are small challenges that focus on just one type of garment, such as gloves or a pair of socks. There are others that expect a 3 piece...

A Conversation with Ellen Hoch

Ellen is a vibrant member of the Chesapeake Fibershed so I thought it would be fun to talk about the Fibershed movement. We also get into the difficulties there are with getting local yarn and fabrics, simply because our infrastructure is gone. There are some new...

Weekend Foraging

It’s just days away until Summer is over. And it’s time to be gathering some of the best dye plants in our area. This past weekend, Bill and I headed out to find Goldenrod. It is an amazing dye plant. It grows wild all along the roadways here in Maryland....