Season 3
Flying Goat Farm Podcast
In this last podcast of the season, we talk about all that we’ve learned about creativity. And review all the creative exercises. You can listen here.
There are different kinds of creativity… learn about them here and of course, there’s a creative exercise. This one is about aligning your creativity. It is a simple pencil or pen and paper exercise.
Episode 2: But I’m not an artist – Show Notes
Episode 8: Obstacles to your creativity – Show Notes
It’s Season 3!! And it’s all about Creativity….
Here is Episode one: Creativity Myths and Realities In this first episode of Season 3, Lisa talks about creativity. What is it? She talks about the societal myths that surround creativity and artistry. She also gives you an exercise to begin to bring your creative spirit into your daily life. Prefer to watch? You can see it here on Vimeo
Season 3 Episode 2: But I’m not an Artist… Has this statement plagued you? Do you think other people are creative, not you? Do you think that only special people can be artists? Listen to this episode to find out the truth about you. Remember to do the creative spirit exercise as well, to train your creativity muscle.
Season 3 Episode 3: So Much Creativity, So Little Sun.. What is holding you back from your creativity? Lisa talks about the obstacles to your creativity and how to get past those obstacles. There is, of course, a creative exercise to build up your creative muscle.
Season 3 Episode 4: Creative Resources... Lisa shares her favorite books and podcasts about creativity. You can find the links here.
Season 3 Episode 5: Raising Creative Kids In this conversation with Dalis of Dancing Leaf Dyeworks, Lisa and Dalis talk about raising creative boys, being part of a creative family and as usual there is a fun exercise for you and your family can try to build your creative muscle.
Season 3 Episode 6: Raising Creative Kids Part 2 Lisa talks with Annie Marshall, owner and founder of Veggie Annie, a catering company. We talk about developmental stages, cooking with kids and talking to children about what they have made (or not)!
Avoiding Burnout and Finding Your Inspiration: The Creativity Series continues…. this time about burnout. What causes it and how to deal with it when it comes. Of course there is a creative exercise for you too. Please be sure to leave a comment! Links to organizations mentioned in podcast: Handweavers Guild of America, The Knitting Guild Association, Surface Design Association, Quilting Hub
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New Season!!
Season 2 is all about your collection. Find your love and passion for your collection and dump the shame of “stash”. Also Lisa talks about color theory to help you become more confident in your color choices.
I just wanted to take a minute and tell you what an inspiration you are. I’m be been watching how you are adapting to this upside down world we’re living in since COVID hit. You are super resilient in how you’re adapting and expanding out in the digital world. Bravo! And now the podcast. I love it! Really helping me get through here long weeks when I cannot be with my fiber geek friends, at a show or just spinning at home. They are long days away from my home studio and no more farm to go home to either .
So thank you for making these days more tolerable.
PS: great radio voice- watch out Terry Gross.
I would love you to leave a review or a like on itunes or Youtube. Have a question? Just ask and I’d love to answer them!!