News & Notes From FGF
Bonus Podcast: Pandemic Fatigue
Today's podcast is a bit off my usual topics. I felt that I needed to address what I was feeling last weekend. And I thought that maybe I wasn't alone in what I was feeling. I thought is was important enough to not only talk about this with my family but to also talk...
Episode 10
A bonus episode about hitting the wall, dealing with it and how we crafters are uniquely poised to survive this in tack.
WIP Wednesday: No Rhinebeck Sweater Update
Okay people. I'm on the second cuff. I'll be finished with that this afternoon, I think. The next step will be to finish the bottom of the sweater. As a recap, I was worried about having enough yarn. So I put the sweater body on a cable and I decided to complete the...
New Podcast: A Conversation with Emily Chamelin-Hickman
In this episode, I talk to Emily about shepherding. We talked about how she became a shearer and shepherd. We talk about raising healthy animals and how she is using regenerative practices to improve her land. We also talked about what it takes to be a woman shearer...
Episode 9
Lisa and Emily talk about shepherding. They talk about making yarn, raising healthy animals and what it takes to be a shearer.
Another Virtual Show This Weekend
Let's be real.... How are you feeling? Are you continuing to knit or crochet or spin? Are you making way through your collection? Are you excited about the possibility of seeing some great yarn and roving and pottery and buttons this weekend? This weekend, really...
New Podcast: Fast Fashion
In today's podcast, I talk about "Fast Fashion". This is the push by marketers and manufacturers to make cheaper and cheaper clothes that we buy, wear once or twice and cast away while chasing the next fashion trend. It used to be that there were 2 "seasons" in the...
Episode 8
In this episode Lisa talks about fast fashion. What it is and the consequences for choosing these clothes for the world, culture and our own bodies. This the first in a series about fast vs. slow fashion as well as the Fibershed movement.
No Rhinebeck Sweater update and needle round-up
I'm live every Thursday at 1pm on Facebook. I hope you'll join me. Today I showed the update of my No Rhinebeck Sweater. I'm nearly finished with the first sleeve. I also had an epiphany about needles. And I wanted to share. I share my favorite needles, some needles I...
Back to School
As most of you know I was a public school teacher up until the end of the 2019 school year. I am feeling all the love for my dear teacher friends as schools here in Maryland open. The public schools are starting our virtually. That is hard. Really hard for...