fiber farmer in the time of corvid

Apr 27, 2020 | fiber festivals, Flying Goat Farm | 0 comments

First of all, I want to thank all the wonderful knitters, crocheters, spinners and felters who are coming to our online store and finding just the right yarn or roving to express their colorful selves. I hope you are feeling your creativity fill up and overflow. As we are all slowing down, getting out of the traffic, having more time to explore, to take more walks and to play more games or solve more puzzles with our families, it is also time to let our creative juices going.

We have hand dyed roving, yarn and farm yarns from our own fiber flock

This coming weekend, Maryland Sheep and Wool will be managing a virtual marketplace where there are hundreds of vendors. We will be online to answer questions and to fulfill your orders. AND you can also be looking at what we all have to offer right now. Here is the link to our online store.

I just had to do it. Corona is gold/cherry/grey, Antibody is purple/green/spreckles and Vaccine is orange/red and grey

Many of us are offering discounts and free shipping, some are offering special extras in your bag too.

What do you need to do? You need to be a member of the online community. Find it here. You also need to look at this page….the posts will not come through your own feed.

Have a question? Just ask it and one of us there will be able to help you by answering. So see you there! Have a question now? Just reply to this blog and I’ll find you an answer!