Autumnal Yarn Collection

I’m working on my Autumn yarn collection that will make their debut at the three fiber festivals in September and October. I have a booth at Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival, Fall Fiber Festival at James Madison’s Montpelier and Rhinebeck Fiber Festival....

Color 101- Color Harmonies Part 3

Triads, Tetrads and Sequences In previous videos I have taught about color principles and color harmonies We are down to the last 3. Today we will be talking about Triads, Tetrads and Sequences. If you would like to watch this video, click here. Triads are simple 3...

Color 101-Color Harmonies Part 2

Complementary Color and Splits This is the 3rd in the series about color theory and how to use this knowledge to pick colors and patterns for your knitting or crochet. If you want to watch the video, click here. Last time we talked about the soothing color harmonies...

Color 101- Color Harmonies and a Look at Value

I’ve just started a You Tube Channel, did you know that? Here is the link to my channel. Last week I posted a video about color value and began to talk about color harmonies.  Here is the video. If you would rather read about this topic here it is: Hi...