Introducing Shawlcraft Trios

Introducing Shawlcraft Trios

Do you have a hard time picking out yarns that will go together for a shawl project? Maybe you have 2 skeins that work and you keep trying to find that one more skein that will make the other two sing. I have made Shawlcraft Trios just for you!. These sets take most...

A Look at Two of our Shawl Kits

Here are quick looks at two of our shawl kits: Strisce Shawl made with Zephyrette and Raddiant Shawl made with Corrie Sock. Each of these shawls comes in various colorways. You can find the Strisce kit here and the Raddiant kit here. Strisce Shawl Kit Raddiant Shawl...

Making is What We Need

Okay….now the wait begins. We may know who is president this week. But we may not. There may be recounts. There may be legal challenges. In the meantime, how are you feeling? I’m feeling pretty anxious. I’m feeling scared. I’m feeling angry...

Some new variations for Strisce shawl

This is a simple shawl…the color of the yarn does all the work. It is mostly garter stitch with some lace near the bottom. It is an asymmetrical triangle shape. I’ve added 3 new variations. Check them out! Kit comes with pattern and 4 skeins of Zephyrette...