A Look at Two of our Shawl Kits

Here are quick looks at two of our shawl kits: Strisce Shawl made with Zephyrette and Raddiant Shawl made with Corrie Sock. Each of these shawls comes in various colorways. You can find the Strisce kit here and the Raddiant kit here. Strisce Shawl Kit Raddiant Shawl...

Color 101- Color Harmonies Part 3

Triads, Tetrads and Sequences In previous videos I have taught about color principles and color harmonies We are down to the last 3. Today we will be talking about Triads, Tetrads and Sequences. If you would like to watch this video, click here. Triads are simple 3...

Fixing Mistakes

Fixing Mistakes Have you ever realized just how hard it is to proofread your own work? When I was teaching, I would suggest that the kids read their work backwards, word by word. Because we already know what it is we wanted to say, but did we really say it?...