Podcast episode: Three Kinds of Creativity

Are you creating as an amateur, a professional or are there times when you are creating sacredly? Learn about these in this new episode of the Flying Goat Farm Podcast. Listen to it here or subscribe on iTunes, Spotify or whereever you listen to podcasts. An applique...

Avoid Burnout and Find Your Inspiration

I dropped the next podcast today. It’s all about Burn out…. what causes it and how to deal with it when you feel burnt out. I also give you ideas for finding inspiration. And lastly, there is a creative exercise for you to complete if you choose. I’m...

Raising Creative Kids Part 3

This is the last part (at least for now) of the series about raising creative kids. I loved this conversation with Kerstin Zurbrigg. We talked about how to make room in your daily life for creativity. And you know what? This applies to fostering creativity in the...
Saying Goodbye to 2021

Saying Goodbye to 2021

There are just a few days left until 2022. It’s been quite a year. I keep thinking how each time we think that “normal” life is right around the corner, we find out that the goal line has been moved. Each year, I select a word or words that reflect...
Raising Creative Kids Part 2

Raising Creative Kids Part 2

in this part 2 of the mini-series on raising creative kids, Lisa talks with Annie Marshall, owner and founder of Veggie Annie, a catering company. We talk about developmental stages, cooking with kids and talking to children about what they have made (or not)! Click...