Season 4
Flying Goat Farm Podcast
New Season!!This season is all about slow fashion and to start us out, I talk about style. How my style has changed throughout my lifetime and getting back to the clothes that reflect who we truly are inside.You can listen here or subscribe on iTunes. Or watch on Vimeo or You Tube.
Episode 1: All about Style – Show Notes
Episode 2: Fast Fashion – Show Notes
Episode 3: Unintended consequences – Show Notes
Episode 6: Reducing Textile Waste – Show Notes
Episode 14: Conversation with Marian Bruno – Show Notes
Season 4 Episode 3: is about fast fashion. In this episode, Lisa explores what fast fashion is and what the issues are with this overconsumption of textiles. She talks about what you can do to turn away from this consumerism and start to heal ourselves and our planet.
Season 4 Episode 5: So slow fashion is the opposite of fast fashion. It has arisen from the concerns about the planet and about concerns about wage equality and the equal treatment of people in all countries, not only as workers, but also as the end users of these products and concern about our climate. It started by a lot of people pivoting to buying organic clothes, when possible. And then people started looking at the idea of these organic sustainable fibers are going to be grown on a farm somewhere.
Season 4 Episode 11: This week it’s all about the American Textile Industry. I visited mills in the Carolinas recently and I walk you through the processes from fleeces to fabric.
Season 4 Episode 12: My Creative and Fibershed Journey… I answer the questions that I prepared for my guests in upcoming episodes.
Season 4 Episode 14 My Fibershed Conversation with Roan Farnum: I was so happy to talk with Roan about their creative journey and how fibershed plays a role in that.
Season 4 Episode 16 All about Natural Dye.: Lisa talks about the benefits of natural dyeing as well as the pitfalls. There is also information on using naturally dyed yarn and fabric and how to care for these after you have them in your home or closet.
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New Season!!
Season 2 is all about your collection. Find your love and passion for your collection and dump the shame of “stash”. Also Lisa talks about color theory to help you become more confident in your color choices.
I just wanted to take a minute and tell you what an inspiration you are. I’m be been watching how you are adapting to this upside down world we’re living in since COVID hit. You are super resilient in how you’re adapting and expanding out in the digital world. Bravo! And now the podcast. I love it! Really helping me get through here long weeks when I cannot be with my fiber geek friends, at a show or just spinning at home. They are long days away from my home studio and no more farm to go home to either .
So thank you for making these days more tolerable.
PS: great radio voice- watch out Terry Gross.
I would love you to leave a review or a like on itunes or Youtube. Have a question? Just ask and I’d love to answer them!!