Flying Goat Farm Podcast

This podcast is for people who LOVE yarn and fiber to knit crochet, spin, and felt with. We will be talking about the crossroads between keeping sheep and goats, making yarn and expressing your colorful self!
Ways To Listen
Season 5, Episode 10. Lisa and Janet Garman talk about fiber farming and natural dyeing. All about how Janet got her start with dyeing, her favorite plant dyes and surprises she’s learned along the way.
Season 5 Episode 9, Lisa gives a condensed history of natural dyeing. The dye highlight is Lac and the farm yarn highlight is for our F-ewe-sion.
Season 5 Episode 8, Lisa teaches about how to take care of your naturally dyed clothing. The dye of the episode is Acorn and the Farm Yarn of the episode is our Polypay Wild Light.
Season 5 Episode 7 In this episode Lisa has a conversation with Amy Dufault about dyeing while traveling as well as her work with dye plants at a water treatment facility. It is a great conversation. I hope you enjoy it!!
Season 5 Episode 6 This episode is all about how to begin to assemble a great natural dye library. Some books are memoires, some are encyclopedic, and others are just full of beautiful and inspirational photos.
Season 5 Episode 5 Let’s talk about planting a dye garden! You can plant for color and also plants that do well in your hardiness zone. Madder is the dye highlight in this episode and Lisa shares LiViLy Bounce farm yarn.
Season 5 Episode 4 This time it is about kitchen dyes and food waste dyes. While some of these aren’t the most stable dyes to use, they are an easy way to start your natural dye journey. The highlight dye is from avocados and the highlight yarn is our Polypay yarns.
Season 5 Episode 3 In this episode, Lisa teaches about the ways that you can find natural sources of dye. You can forage, grow or buy raw materials You can find extracts and liquid extracts from dye houses. The natural dye highlight is Osage Orange. The farm yarn is Flying Goat Farm Yearling Mohair.
Season 5 Episode 2 In this episode, Lisa talks about foraging and growing local dyes as well as buying fair trade dyes for dyeing. The highlight dye is Black Walnut and the Farm Yarn highlight is Fingal’s II.
Season 5 Episode 1 In this first episode of Season 5, Lisa talks about the good and bad of natural dyeing. And with each episode there is info about her favorite dye, this episode it’s Cochineal. And each episode Lisa will talk about a farm yarn she has on hand. This episode the farm yarn is LiViLy and Trasna.
New Season!!
The newest season is all about natural dyeing and farm yarns!!
I just wanted to take a minute and tell you what an inspiration you are. I’m be been watching how you are adapting to this upside down world we’re living in since COVID hit. You are super resilient in how you’re adapting and expanding out in the digital world. Bravo! And now the podcast. I love it! Really helping me get through here long weeks when I cannot be with my fiber geek friends, at a show or just spinning at home. They are long days away from my home studio and no more farm to go home to either .
So thank you for making these days more tolerable.
PS: great radio voice- watch out Terry Gross.
I would love you to leave a review or a like on itunes or Youtube. Have a question? Just ask and I’d love to answer them!!