News & Notes From FGF

From 12 to 1000’s

I dropped the new episode of the Flying Goat Farm Podcast. This week, I talk about how the 12 hue(color) families grow to the thousands of colors. Just think about the color chips in the paint store or the beautiful bolts of fabrics in a quilting store or the wall of...

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Be a Color Explorer Part 2

From the original 12 hue families that we talked about in the last episode, hundreds of colors explode out with just a few additions.  Lisa talks more about how colors work together and how more colors are born within that hue families.  

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WIP Wednesday: Laundry Edition

I've been making wool dryer balls in my spare time. Why? Well, I have some roving that is not great for spinning or felting. I need all my wool to do something on the farm. This is what allows us to be sustainable. All or nearly all wool and mohair is used to make...

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Choosing the Right Needle for Your Farm Yarn This tip of the day is about how to choose the perfect needle for your project. This is especially true if you are using one of our farm yarns or if you have lost the label and have no idea what to choose. This is a new tip for me. I...

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New Spring Time Colorways

Spring is about to burst forth here in the East. The Witch Hazel is just about finished as it is a late Winter bloomer here. The forsythia is budding bright yellow. The daffodils and crocuses are up and opening too. I have new Springtime colorways to share with you....

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getting back in the dye kitchen

I'm getting back into the dye kitchen. It's been a while since I've been enthused about mixing colors and yarns and roving. For today, I stocked some new colors of Polwarth Silk Hand Dyed Combed Top. These are lovely. They are 60% polwarth wool and 40% silk. Polwarth...

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Collection Curator Episode: Let’s have a Swap

Today the last installment of Collection Curator is available. Today I talk about what to do with all the yarn, roving, patterns, needles, and notions that are not part of your collection any longer. Those items that need to be rehomed. There are 2 paths you can take:...

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