News & Notes From FGF

Thoughts on Summer Knitting

This summer has been really weird, right? No matter where you live in the US and probably even in the world. There have been crazy heat waves, crazy storms and early hurricanes and even historic droughts in the West. Hay waiting to be cut Here in the East we have had...

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TOTW: Video Tips for Spinners

It's Tour de Fleece right now. We are in the last week. There are many challenge days as the cyclists are in the Pyrennes, climbing up and racing down mountains. I am hignlighting some tips for handspinners. These originate during my FaceBook Live presentations...

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We Were in the News!

I should have shared this with you so much sooner! We were profiled in the Chesapeake Fibershed Stories Blog. It was fun to talk to Marian about the farm, my yarn and my commitment to the Fibershed values. You can read it here.

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New Podcast: Resources for Hand Spinners

In this episode, I talk about some of my very favorite resources on the bookshelf. Some of the books include: The Intentional Spinner, Yarnitecture, Intertwined, The Spinner’s Book of Yarn Design, Color in Spinning, A New Look at Color, Spinning and Dyeing Yarn, Start...

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Beneficial Resources for Hand Spinners

Lisa talks about resources that spinners want to have at their fingertips.  You can find a list of these on the website: Join our Tour de Fleece group.  Don't spin but want to? Reach out to us at...

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Tip and Trick: Help with Reading Charts

In this installment of Tips and Tricks, I tell you about one of my favorite ways to keep track of my progress in a chart. I show you the highlighter tape that I use. It is important to make the pattern easy for you to follow so that you have a fun and more stress free...

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Spinning Our Way Through France: New Podcast

No, I'm not really in France! I wish!!! More than you know!!! Well maybe you do know that already. A new episode of our podcast dropped this morning. It's all about the Tour de Fleece 2021. If you've never heard of it, if you've known but never participated, you can...

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Tip of the Day: Let’s Avoid Yarn Chicken

Each week I am LIVE on Facebook at 1pm on Thursday. During my time with you, I let you know what is going on around the farm. My community is also my accountability partner, so I show you my latest project's project and make a new goal for next week. But probably the...

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