Everyone is so afraid of cutting your handknits. Somehow there is the feeling that it will just begin unraveling in your own hands in a matter of seconds. Like your sweater is turning into sand and falling through your fingertips. That’s not what happens.

Well, yes I was afraid too. But I took the plunge. I took a class in steeking. And we students used thrift store sweaters to work on. And I found that it was a simple thing to do.
You do have to plan for the cut. And what I mean by that is this. As you set up your sweater you need a section where you will cut. I have found that adding 2 purl stitches is perfect, you can cut between those stitches.
When you are finished with your sweater, you need to block it and dry it. And then you are ready to cut. Watch this video. I hope that you will gain some confidence to cut apart your handknits.