Nurture Your Inner Artist

I never thought I was an artist when I was growing up. I was told that I couldn’t draw, and I guess I thought that drawing is what made you an artist. And it became a self-fulfilling prophecy because the artistic abilities I do have weren’t nourished.  I found and...

New! Website Page for Free Stuff

I just created a page on the website that is the place to find lots of free stuff. All through the past 2 years and really probably the whole 16 years I’ve been in business, I’ve written and recorded lots of educational content. I have printables and links...

How to Defeat Festival Overwhelm

Lisa talks all things festivals from the point of view of a visitor, not a vendor.  Do you want to stop the overwhelm and stress at a festival? Well you can. Listen to these easy steps to take to make your festival more enjoyable.  Lisa even has a printable...