I Love Wool!

Wool has a bit of a bad rap. So many people tell me they can’t wear wool because they are allergic or it is itchy. Yes there are some itchy wools that shouldn’t be worn next to your skin. But there are many wool yarns that are soft to the touch and make fabric with...

September is for shearing!

Waiting for their turn with Emily It’s the best when the goats just lie back and relax. This is Ethel. Ona is all done and released into the “wild”. Here’s Ethel again! She is asking for more graham cracker treats! And curious about where her friend Lucy is…...

Yarns Perfect for Fall

What are you planning to knit for the fall? Socks? A shawl? A sweater? Something smaller like a hat or mittens? Livily Cormo Yarn. Find it here These farm yarns are perfect for all of those garments. We have colors that are great for all your needs, whether...

Life is too Short to NOT Use the Good Stuff!!

“I’m just learning, so I’m going to use cheap yarn/roving until I know what I’m doing. I don’t want to waste it.” Skeins of the 5 Elements collection. Buy some here! I hear those words all the time in classes and during fiber festivals. I even said it myself when I...

Nurture Your Inner Artist

I never thought I was an artist when I was growing up. I was told that I couldn’t draw, and I guess I thought that drawing is what made you an artist. And it became a self-fulfilling prophecy because the artistic abilities I do have weren’t nourished.  I found and...