are you cooking or taking out?

May 18, 2020 | Flying Goat Farm | 0 comments

I am a little sick of cooking 2-3 meals a day. How about you?

I wanted to share with you some favorite meals that I’ve made the last few weeks.

salmon cake on a mesclun salad and roasted beets
Mother’s Day Brunch of sweet potato hash poached eggs with hollandaise and sugar glazed bacon
Chili cheddar frittata with hash brown crust and mesclun salad with avocado and artichoke hearts

In this time, I am wanting to keep up my healthy eating habits, but it’s hard. I’ve always used food as a reward and I feel like I need a reward, for sure!! And let’s face it, there isn’t much else to reward us with, like a massage or a pedicure. Of course there is always online shopping as a reward, right? If you feel like you need a non-food reward, click here to pick up a skein, some roving or a kit or a set of napkins or tea towels.

Polwarth Silk Roving