States are beginning to open up, they are. But life is still so different. Will you go on a plane to a summer vacation? Will you drive somewhere instead? Will you go someplace really crowded like an amusement park or will you look to a more remote place like a National Park?
I think we are staying home. We are lucky in that we have 25 acres to roam around. We have Netflix and Podcasts. We have a nice garden and orchard so we don’t really have to go to a pick your own place.
Throughout all of this time, I’ve been working on taking my in-person dye class and making it something that is totally online. It is filled with short classes that breaks down the process of dyeing self striping yarn and kettle dyed yarn. You will learn the two techniques. You will also build your color confidence with color exercises and experiences. There will be live Q and A sessions and a facebook group so that you can share your great yarn and swatches. And you can get all your questions answered.
I’ll be opening registration in the next 2 weeks. The class is $149 with an early bird discount for those of you who are quick to sign up.
The class will start near the end of June so that those of you who have been home schooling do have something of a break. And speaking of home schooling. This class is definitely one you can take with your child. There does need to be adult supervision.
So express your colorful self and learn a new skill. You can learn more about the class here. And you can sign up for the class list on that page as well. The members pf this list get first crack at registration.