Have you always wanted to learn how to knit socks 2 at a time (2AAT)? It is my preferred way to knit socks. Why? Because they will be the same size. Row for row. I don’t really need to count. I do measure them, but I don’t have to count to make sure there are the same number of rows. I like this way because there isn’t any second sock syndrome. When you are done with one sock you are done with both.
And what about sock blanks? How do they work? Well these are knitted rectangles that contain the same amount of yarn as our usual fingering weight yarns… approximately 400 yards. They are knit double, so they are perfect for 2AAT socks. The yarn doesn’t get as tangled as when working with 2 balls of yarn.

I’m going to do a series of classes to teach you how to knit socks 2AAT from a sock blank. These classes are free with purchase of a sock blank. There will be 4 classes: casting on and getting started, how to turn the heels, how to pick up the gusset and how to finish your socks. Classes will start July 25th. They are self study, so you can access them when it is convenient for you. Click here to get a sock blank and access to the class.