getting closer WIP Wednesday

Feb 3, 2021 | fibershed, WIP | 2 comments

This is my Fibershed sweater. I’m working on the sleeves. And it’s almost done. I’m beyond the elbows. What’s taking so long you ask? Well I’m doing the sleeves two at a time. I’m doing a series of blips which is a 12 row repeat on one sleeve then switching to the other sleeve and repeating that and so forth. That way the gauge is even. And I pattern is even. And the decreases are in the same place without really having to count.

What have I learned? well I’ve learned a few things:

  1. Your future self will thank you if you weave in your ends as you are knitting. Do not wait until the end of your project. This sweater has a lot of yarn changes and so lots of weaving in the ends. But I’m staying on top of it.
  2. Knit some every day. Even if you can only manage a row or two. Soon your project will grow and you will be near the end.

What are you working on?