FO Friday–Rhinebeck Style

Oct 16, 2020 | fiber festivals, FO Friday, Hand-Dyed, handmade | 1 comment

So yes! This is the fastest sweater I’ve ever knitted. And I owed it to all the accountability partners that I had. But sharing my progress on my Facebook Live Thursday shows (1pm), really helped. I had to show you progress. That means I had to make progress. So you know what? It got done.

Iounn Pattern from Knitty. Made with handspun handdyed 3 ply lambswool yarn

I’m ready to cast on another one!! I’ll be swatching with some naturally colored yarns and the Shifty sweater pattern. I want to steek it and of course my yarns are thicker than what is called for… I simply can not do something by the actual recipe. I’m looking forward to more accountability too.

Do you need an accountability partner? Call on me. I’ll show up for you!!