First In-Person Show for Us in 2 years

Sep 22, 2021 | festivals and trunk shows, fiber festivals | 0 comments

On Saturday our first in-person fiber festival goes live! Yes, it’s in-person. The show is Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival. It’s at the Clark County fairgrounds. You can find out more information here.

I’m super excited so see people and to be in the presence of unbridled creativity!

I’m nervous because we haven’t set up the booth in 2 years…will we remember? Will it actually be better?

I’m a little scared too. Will people wear masks and be safe? How can we provide a safe place for our customers?

So many emotions!

I know you must be feeling these things too. I also hope you are feeling excite to touch all the yarn and see all the colors.

We are in the Arts and Crafts Building. We are right by the front door. To keep us and you safe, we will be wearing our masks. We will be bringing a fan so there is more air circulation and less opportunity for the virus to transmit. The festival is from 10-5 on Saturday and 10-4 on Sunday.

Please do come out for a beautiful fall day! It’s supposed to be just gorgeous weather that day. I’m want this weekend to be a real celebration! Be sure to stop by and show us anything you’ve made with our yarn or fiber. We love seeing all your fantastic creativity on display!!