Defeat Festival Overwhelm!

Aug 17, 2018 | festivals and trunk shows, fiber festivals | 0 comments

Do you get overwhelmed at yarn or fiber festivals?
Do you feel like you buy yarn that sits in your closet, mocking you and demanding to be used?
Do you feel like you have a stash but not a collection?

You are not alone! You have plenty of company.  I hear the anxiety and frustration at every show. I hear it within 5-10 minutes of the gates opening and I hear it at noon, when people are tired and hungry and I hear it at the end of the day.

I have been thinking for a long time about this topic. Because as a yarn and fiber maker, this overwhelm is not just a problem for the shopper. It is my problem as well.  How can I help my new and seasoned customers feel comfortable, relaxed and joyful at these festivals.

My answer is a technique that helps me to deal with being anxious when faced with lots to do and too many choices.  I know that I feel less overwhelmed when I go shopping with a list. With a list, I have a mission to accomplish.  With a list, I can be focused about my purchases. With a list, I can remember what I need and what I want to make. And when I use a list, I can feel like I’ve accomplished something that I needed to get done.

And along the way, of course,  I may exercise my right to buy some things that weren’t on the list, but I have my mission to complete and that gives me purpose and reduces choices in a small way.

In order to help you with this I’ve made “Festival Fix”. This little brochure is a place where you can put your ideas BEFORE you get to the festival. There are 2 sections to put the information about a garment that you want to make. You will write down the pattern name and what weight of yarn you need. Also the number of skeins or yards of yarn you need and what you should look for….is it a semi-solid or a variegated? Do you want to make it in cool colors, warm colors or natural colors? And the 3rd flap is a place for you to write down any special projects that may be coming up like the holidays, or a special birthday or any special item for charity or a resistance garment like the pussy hat.

Do you think this would work for you? Do you want a copy for yourself? If yes, click here to get one for yourself.  And tell your friends that they can get this free download when they enroll for my emails here.

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